Brad McElhinny with Justice Businesses Updates
Clips & Interviews
Brad McElhinny has been chronicling the story of Justice family businesses such as the Greenbrier’s inability to pay business debts. Brad joins Talkline to give the latest updates, including a potential positive note for Justice reaching a settlement with a debt collector.
Up Next in Clips & Interviews
Danny Jones on Dunbar Officer Review
Dunbar Police Civil Service Commission is looking into the actions of officer Zachary Winters, who was alleged to have used a "suplex" on a handcuffed person who later died in custody. Former Charleston Mayor Danny Jones joins Talkline to give his perspective, as Danny was the Civil Service Commi...
Jared Halpern on DNC Finale
Thursday night marked the finale of the Democratic National Convention. Jared Halpern has spent all week in Chicago contributing to coverage at the convention, and he joins Talkline for one final look back at the convention.
Attorney Jesse Forbes on Death of Zac...
The family of Zachary Bailey has reached a civil settlement for $1 million following the death of Bailey in 2019 while in the North Central Regional Jail. Jesse Forbes is the attorney representing the Bailey family and he joins Talkline to share how and why a settlement was reached, and some trou...